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Practical Church

Feb 28, 2019

Should I attend seminary online or in person?

Welcome to welcome to episode 74 of Practical Church Planting. You can watch the episode below, or subscribe to the podcast and never miss an episode. 

If you're considering seminary or any type of advanced education, you may have wondered about whether online or...

Feb 25, 2019

Want to keep people engaged during your sermon?

Welcome to welcome to episode 73 of Practical Church Planting. 

You've worked hard on your sermon, prayed, and hope what you say helps people take steps closer to Jesus. But when people aren't listening, it's hard for them to take in what is being said. So in this...

Feb 21, 2019

Sermon writing can be a lot of work. Let's make it a little better.

Welcome to welcome to episode 72 of Practical Church Planting.

While many pastors enjoy preaching, writing the sermon can be strenuous and tiring at times. Because of that, in this episode, we discuss four things you can do to help make the sermon...

Feb 18, 2019

Church membership can be tricky. Here are some tips to help it go better.

Welcome to welcome to episode 71 of Practical Church Planting.

There is a lot that goes into church membership, from assimilating members, creating a membership process, church accountability, and more. In this episode we discuss these...

Feb 14, 2019

A lot goes into planning a sermon series. Here are some free resources that can help.

Welcome to welcome to episode 70 of Practical Church Planting.

More goes into a sermon that just preparing its content. We also have to think of sermon series graphics, videos, bumper videos, and more. Money is tight with most...